At 6/19/2003 11:14, scott.marlowe wrote:

On Thu, 19 Jun 2003, Radu-Adrian Popescu wrote:

> >Sachant que quand je crée un rapport j'ai entre 100 et 600 requetes
> That sounds a bit strange; you mean the report comprises between 100 and
> 600 requests to the database ? Queries ?
> Then perhaps you should look into some other way of doing this, like query
> re-writing and combining, using an external program
> (say a perl script) that connects thru an unix socket (probably faster that
> tcp/ip, if that's the case), .... it depends.
> If those are rows, on the other hand, something is _really_ wrong.

He may well be doing something in MySQL that you can only do with 600
queries, that would be one big query in postgresql.  That would be one of
the reasons I didn't choose mysql at the beginning was I needed to do
stuff that would have required way too many queries in MySQL.

I guess that's a good point too. I hear mysql has some real problems with subqueries. (never used the damn thing for anything more
than toying around, thought).
But it's still pretty exagerated to think you can do 600 mysql queries in one postgresql query.
My 2c sit on something being wrong in the way the whole reports is thought of and designed.

Radu-Adrian Popescu
CSA, DBA, Developer
Aldratech Ltd.

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