
> I've been trying to modify "pg_hba.conf" but with no luck .... as user
> "cool", after I connect to the DB server via psql and I do "\c anotherdb",
> user "cool" can still connect to "anotherdb".
> my "pg_hba.conf" can be found at http://ahouans.sh.cvut.cz/pg_hba.txt
I think, you should not say, that all are allowed to connect to the database
and cool had to type in a password, because if cool is not cool, he also can
have access to all other databases, because the other lines said: ALL

At the moment I can't give a solution, but hopefully another person, because
I don't know exactly, if my answer is right (never needed restrict the
access to only one database)

Daniel Seichter
postgreSQL on Netware - the red elephant

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