
I have a weird problem and want to know if I understand what's happening.
I have a table like this:

create table statistics (
        date            DATE DEFAULT current_date,
        key             TEXT,
        value           INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
        UNIQUE(date, key)

and I have a bunch of clients running.  Often, a client does
something like this:

UPDATE statistics SET value = value + 1
        WHERE key = 'KEY' AND date = current_date;

What appears to be happening is this:

1) Sometimes, a whole bunch of clients try updating the same row.  I
see sevaral postgresql processes marked "UPDATE waiting"

2) Because the client processes must complete rather quickly, a supervisor
process kills them if they don't complete soon.

3) The postgresql processes in an "UPDATE waiting" state seem to be
blocked waiting for a semaphore, and they do not notice the closing of
the connection when the client is killed.

4) New client processes are spawned and eventually try to update the row.

As a result, we end up with more and more postgresql processes until the
connection limit is reached, because processes in the "UPDATE waiting"
state don't notice the connection has been broken.


1) Am I on the right track?  Is this how PostgreSQL works?

2) I plan on solving it by making a low-contention table like this:

create table low_contention_stats (
        date            DATE DEFAULT current_date,
        key             TEXT,
        randomizer      INTEGER,
        value           INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
        summarized      BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
        UNIQUE(date, key, randomizer, summarized)

Each client will pick a random "randomizer" value, so the odds of two
clients trying to update the same row at the same time are low.  Once
a day, I summarize the low_contention_stats table and put the summary
in statistics.

A statistics update looks like this:

UPDATE low_contention_stats SET value = value + 1
        WHERE date = current_date AND key = 'KEY'
        AND randomizer = my_random_val AND not summarized;
(If the update updates 0 rows, we do an INSERT)

The summary process when we copy to statistics looks like this:

# "Freeze" existing rows -- any updates during the summary process
# will have to insert new rows where summarized is false
UPDATE low_contention_stats SET summarized = 't';

# Summarize stats
SELECT date, key, sum(value) FROM low_contention_stats WHERE summarized
        GROUP BY date, key;

# Then we iterate over the results, updating "statistics"
DELETE FROM low_contention_stats WHERE summarized;

Will this help?

I can't easily test it, because I only see the problem under high load,
and the only high-load environment I have access to is a production one. :-(



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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