Hi ,

I made an attempt to dump and reload my 7.3.4 into 7.4b3 following were
the issues i faced , some solved and some unsolved. I used the piped method
for the data transfer , so its not possible to manually edit the sql script.
7.4b3 pg_dumpall and 7.4b3 psql was used for dumping and restore.

1. SET search_path = archives, pg_catalog;
CREATE INDEX site_search_gist ON site_search USING gist (keywordidx);
ERROR:  data type public.txtidx has no default operator class for access method "gist"
HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator 
class for the
data type.
if search path were archives,pg_catalog , public i beleive the problem would not
have been there.

2. SET search_path = sms, pg_catalog;
SELECT pg_catalog.setval ('email_sms_queue_uniq_id_seq', 2690, true);
(1 row)

SELECT pg_catalog.setval ('email_sms_alert_pref_uniq_id', 177, true);
(1 row)

SELECT pg_catalog.setval ('email_sms_transactions_tid_seq', 667, true);
ERROR:  relation "email_sms_transactions_tid_seq" does not exist

Although email_sms_transactions_tid_seq exists in sms namespance.
as confirmed by :

tradein_clients=# SET search_path = sms;
tradein_clients=# \ds *tran*
                      List of relations
 Schema |              Name              |   Type   |  Owner
 sms    | email_sms_transactions_tid_seq | sequence | tradein
(1 row)


Issues that could be solved,
1. Improper ordering of some views , dependent views were dumped prior.
Workaround:  both the views were droped, will be created post restoration.


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