Correction on the function :
The function currently on the database did has
       select int4(description) + 1 into v_new_version from pg_description 
       where objoid = NEW.attrelid;

in stead of 
       select int4(description) into v_new_version from pg_description 
       where objoid = NEW.attrelid;

=> Hi all,
=> I'm trying to create some kind of table version control
=> system for approximately 300 postgres databases 
=> ranging in version from 7.1.2 to 7.3.4.
=> I compared the "pg_dump -s" output between 
=> the various versions of databases, but the format is inconsistent,
=> and I can't do diff's to check that table structures are identical
=> on the various databases this way. 
=> What I did next, is put a trigger on pg_attribute that should, in theory,
=> on insert and update, fire up a function that will increment a version
=> number on a table comment every time a table's structure is modified.
=> I tried to make the function update a comment on pg_description to
=> accomplish this. 
=> I'm having a lot of trouble doing this and testing it, and after plenty tries
=> it's still not working. I've attached the trigger statement and the plpgsql 
=> (There might be a few mistakes, and I haven't attempted to cater for
=> system columns and  multiple changes yet.)
=> Can somebody please tell me if what I'm trying will ever work, or
=> maybe an alternative (easier) way to compare a specific table's 
=> structure amongst various databases, that are not necessarily 
=> on the same network, nor of the same version of postgres.  
=> Regards 
=> Stefan

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