Hello admins

Tome Lane once wrote, if I remember well, that the biggest PostgreSQL DB he knows is about 4 TB!!! In Oracle we normaly say, it is "not possible" (= usefull) to exp/imp more than let's say 20 to 50 GB of data. This is more ore less the same we do with pg_dumpall???
Oracle was not changing the Fileformat since version 8.0 (or it does the conversion itself in the background?).

Now I would like to know:

* Experience of upgrading PostgreSQL db bigger than 100 GB???
* Recommendations, resp. what do the pg-kernel hackers think, when they "allways" change the file format.
* Is there a upgrade-path instead of pg_dump?
* How can we be a "professional highend" database if we have to pg_dump/load the data every year because of a new release?

Thanks for feedback and discussion

Tom Lane wrote:

Gautam Saha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Any idea what might be the resolution here?

Put back your 7.1 executables and make a pg_dumpall run before you upgrade. Then upgrade, initdb, reload the dump.

regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings


Oli Sennhauser
Database-Engineer (Oracle & PostgreSQL)
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