In the last exciting episode, Cristian Veronesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello, my company is starting to propose postgresql-based solutions
> to our clients. Our recommended operating system is SuSE
> Linux. Which disk architecture should we recommend for postgresql
> servers? I was thinking about RAID10.

That all depends on what disk hardware there is, and what you're
doing.  The reason why they have all of the _various_ RAID levels,
instead of just 1, is that flexibility is often needed when hardware
varies and when the meaning of "best"  varies.

> Also, what Linux filesystem should we use? I was thinking about XFS.
> Which filesystems are you using?

The best performance results I have seen on Linux systems have
involved the use of JFS.  I found XFS to be a little slower, and it
has the distinct demerit that it is not in the 'official' kernel tree
yet, thereby meaning that you have to get into the pain of managing
heavily-patched kernels.  The "kernel management" issue strikes me as
being a much bigger deal than the relatively minor performance
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"Wintel:  A Wasteland  of  Useless  Software -  If  the bazillions  of
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