Below is a transcript of an attempt to create a user, which I trust
will be self explanatory.

Who do you think I should go to discuss this problem?

Is there a users' group in which I can post this problem for discussion?

Please help me?

-bash-2.05b$ createuser bruce
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) y
-bash-2.05b$ psql -d movies
Welcome to psql 7.3.2, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
       \h for help with SQL commands
       \? for help on internal slash commands
       \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
       \q to quit
movies=# /q
movies-# \q
-bash-2.05b$ whoami
-bash-2.05b$ su - bruce
su: user bruce does not exist
-bash-2.05b$ createuser bruce
Shall the new user be allowed to create databases? (y/n)
Shall the new user be allowed to create more new users? (y/n) y
ERROR:  CREATE USER: user name "bruce" already exists
createuser: creation of user "bruce" failed
-bash-2.05b$ su - bruce
su: user bruce does not exist
-bash-2.05b$ whoami

could you please tell me what is wrong here?
how would i change to user bruce?

is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

looking forward to your comments and help,

If you cannot help me, please indicate where else I can go?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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