On Friday, 05.03.2004 at 11:17 +0000, Matt Clark wrote:

> > What's wrong with using a LoopAES filesystem?  It protects against
> > someone walking off with the server, or at least the hard disk, and
> > being able to see the data.
> Yes, but only if the password has to entered manually [1] at boot
> time.  And it gives zero protection against someone who gains root
> access to the server.
> [...]
> [1] There are ways of avoiding having to enter the info manually, but
> they're very tricky to implement securely.

Not sure I follow this - there's no point AT ALL in using LoopAES if you
can mount the encrypted partitions without needing manual intervention
at boot time.

Dave Ewart
Computing Manager, Epidemiology Unit, Oxford
Cancer Research UK
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