On Tue, 16 Mar 2004, Thomas Leung wrote:

> I want to index my table using the year of the date. So I create the
> following function.
> create function to_year(date) returns varchar as '
> declare
>   str varchar;
>   begin
>     str := to_char($1, "YYYY");
>     return str;
>   end;
> ' language 'plpgsql' with (iscachable, isstrict);
> But I face the problem as follow
> select to_year(current_date);
> WARNING:  Error occurred while executing PL/pgSQL functions to_year
> WARNING:  line 4 at assignment
> ERROR:  Attribute "YYYY" not found
> Anybody can help? Thanks.

I think you're going towant doubled single quotes (''YYYY'') not double

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