On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Recently We Update our Postgresql database server by installing Postgresql
> 7.4.1, we followed the basic installation steps that appear in the install
> file, everything was fine till this morning when we realize that the
> partition (/var) where we storage the data (/var/lib/pgsql/data) was full,
> this partition is 30GB size!!! could you belive it????. When we checkout
> the size of the data directory it was 28GB, at the end it was imposible
> for us to startup the database normally so we have to remove the
> /var/lib/pgsql/data directory, and restore the db from a previous backup
> made with (pg_dumpall) and this time the /var/lib/pgsql/data was 8GB size
> that is a more accurate size for our database.
> Well till now the story goes to good..
> BUT I've been the whole morning monitoring (df -v or df -h) the size of
> the partition (/var) and is growing up every moment by a rate of 6kb to
> 8kb at 11:00 am it was 8GB and now 14:00 is 8.9GB (what a hell is going
> on????) if things goes like this next week I'm gonna have the same problem
> that today ... please help me

Does a vacuum full verbose lower the space taken?  If so, can you post its

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