Quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Goulet, Dick"):
> Comparing a MySql upgrade to anything else is comparing apples to
> eggplants.  Their not even in the same group.  mySql likes to leave
> their datafiles alone making all of their changes in the binaries.
> Now while that is good from an upgrade standpoint, what do you
> upgrade for?  New Features.  MySql doesn't like new features as it
> will "slow down the database".

Oh, but that's not true anymore. MySQL(tm) is supposed to support
subqueries, stored procedures, triggers, and views Real Soon Now...
And remember, their reason for being is to provide "the world's most
popular open source database."  If popularity requires dressing up in
slower clothing, well, that's presumably going to happen...
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="acm.org" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
Rules of  the Evil Overlord  #228.  "If the  hero claims he  wishes to
confess  in public  or to  me  personally, I  will remind  him that  a
notarized deposition will serve just as well."

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