> 1.  Where should the postgresql.conf file be to be recognized by the 
> service on startup?  currently, it is inside my $PGDATA directory but 
> all of its contents are commented out.

That's the correct file.  Uncomment anything you want to change.

> 2.  I can't find any log files for postgres.  Inside my /var/log/ 
> directory, there is an empty
> file called pgsql.  What do I have to do to get it to log errors, 
> etc.

If you want to use that file you could add "-l /var/log/pgsql" to the
pg_ctl start command in your PG startup script.

> Is there a difference between normal logging and syslog logging?

Yes, one goes to a file and the other to syslog ;-)

I'd recommend syslog on the whole, since you don't normally have to
worry about rotating logfiles when you use syslog.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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