Saying "we've set field sizes to their theoretical skinniness" makes me think that
you may have the wrong data types. For example, you may have used CHAR
and not VARCHAR.


Tony Reina wrote:

I'm developing a database for scientific recordings. These recordings
are traditionally saved as binary flat files for simplicity and
compact storage. Although I think ultimately having a database is
better than 1,000s of flat files in terms of data access, I've found
that the database (or at least my design) is pretty wasteful on
storage space compared with the binary flat files.

In particular, I tried importing all of the data from a binary flat
file that is 1.35 MB into a PostgreSQL database (a very small test
file; average production file is probably more like 100 MB). The
database directory ballooned from 4.1 MB to 92 MB (a bloat of 65X the
original storage of the binary flat file).

Now I know that table design and normalizing is important. As far as
my partner and I can tell, we've made good use of normalizing (no
redundancy), we've set field sizes to their theoretical skinniness,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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