When I tried to use the 7.3.2 dump, and use 7.4.1 import, I had several
issues- mostly with data. I actually had to dump with the 7.4.1 dumpall
command, upgrade the DB to 7.4.1, and then everything imported correctly.

Hope this helps,

                      Grega Bremec                                                     
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]        To:       Fischer Ulrich <[EMAIL 
                      um.si>                       cc:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]         
                      Sent by:                     Subject:  Re: [ADMIN] problem with 
pg_dump and pg_restore 
                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                                
                      04/21/2004 08:28 AM                                              

...and on Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 02:46:54PM +0200, Fischer Ulrich used the
> Hi
> I try to move my datas from a postresql 7.3.2 to a postgresql 7.4.1. The
> database was dumped with:
>   pg_dumpall -g GLOBALobjects.sql
>   pg_dump -s DATABASE > DBschema.sql
>   pg_dump -Fc DATABASE > DBdata.tar

Why the schema/data separation? One important freedom you get when
schema and data in the dumps is you can alter it after you imported the
and thus avoid cyclic dependencies where existance of one foreign key
the existance of another, which refers to the first one.

For now though, try eliminating all constraints from the schema dump and
ALTERing the tables after you imported the data.

Hope this helped,
    Grega Bremec
    Senior Administrator
    Noviforum Ltd., Software & Media
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