Put it into a shell script like

echo "select * from mytable where id = $1;" | psql $DBNAME

That can be executed using the shell function in psql

\! [COMMAND]   execute command in shell or start interactive shell



On Wednesday 28 April 2004 17:46, Ben Kim wrote:
> I tried but couldn't find an answer if this is possible in psql.
> Create a file named test.sql
>       select * from mytable where id = ? (or use $1, $2...)
> Then in psql do
>       \i test.sql 337
> to achieve the same effect "select * from mytable where id=337"
> as I would in perl
>       $sth = $dbh -> prepare ("insert into mytable values (?, ?, ?)")
> Is writing a function the only way? Is there another way that can be done
> without writing a function?
> Thanks,
> Ben Kim
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