on 6/7/04 12:57 PM, Jeff Self at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Mon, 2004-06-07 at 10:28, Randall Perry wrote:
>> On searching the archives I noticed Bob Smith in Jul, 2002 had a similar
>> problem to mine, but never posted a solution.
>> I'm using pgsql 7.4.2 on Mac OS 10.3.4. I installed the startup script for
>> darwin from the contrib/start-scripts folder. On boot, pgsql startup fails
>> and I see this error in the pgsql logfile:
>>     bootstrap_look_up() failed (ipc/send) invalid destination port
>> After the machine has booted the same startup script works fine.
>> This appears to be a Mac OS issue. If anyone has any clue what's going on
>> please let me know.
>> I've gotten around the problem right now by putting a call to the startup
>> script directly in /etc/rc, as the last command.
> I've never run into this myself.  Did you install from source or use
> Mark Liyanage's package?  His package is at
> http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/postgresql/
> Very easy installation if you're willing to start over.

I've been rolling my own PostgreSQL for quite a while. AFICT there's nothing
wrong with the installation; there's just something wrong with SystemStarter
and pgsql.

Randall Perry

Xserve Web Hosting/Co-location
Website Development/Promotion
Mac Consulting/Sales


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