On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 12:26, Kaolin Fire wrote:

> echo "1   3   *   *   *   postgres   /usr/local/bin/pg_dumpall > 
> ~/backup.sql" >> /etc/crontab
> note to remember the two >>'s so you don't obliterate your crontab like 
> I just did.

Would someone tell of a modification to this script that would:

1. create a file/directory based upon the date & time to create the
backup file in. ;-) [some people are shameless about asking about
pre-cooked food]

2. If a file DB has large objects..to dump it seperately...or does one
have to enumerate each of the databases individually & dump them, in
this case.

3. In case, databases have to be dumped seperately in the above...any
script to find out existing databases, if they have lo and dump

4. Take care that each file size does not exceed OS file limits.

You must always help the shameless & the lazy....for they are Gods own
people ;-)

With best regards.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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