Tom Lane wrote:

Exactly how are you "using OIDs to store files"? Do you mean you're using large objects?

The table is

                           Table "public.imgs"
  Column  |  Type  |                      Modifiers
 id       | bigint | not null default nextval('public.imgs_id_seq'::text)
 file     | text   |
 contents | oid    |
Indexes: imgs_pkey primary key btree (id)

Data is loaded using INSERT's.

insert into imgs values (1,'/path/to/myfile',lo_import('/path/to/myfile'));


Greg Spiegelberg
 Product Development Manager
 Cranel, Incorporated.
 Phone: 614.318.4314
 Fax:   614.431.8388
Technology. Integrity. Focus.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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