I suppose I should have apologized if that was off topic entirely, but
seeing as how there are many Admins in this group with 7.x or older
questions being sent, I thought some insight into 8.0+ would be useful for
such a short read to those who were interested enough to follow the link.

As for me, I've just been learning SQL over the past few months and started
with MySQL since it was easier and "faster" to setup a solution.  It was the
SQL-newbie friendly GUI tools that supported MySQL that attracted me at
first, but even in this relatively short period of time I started to see the
merits of Postgres and have delayed my projects until I can learn more about
Postgres and the underpinnings of SQL.  My primary point being that if more
of the MySQL tools worked with Postgres (although I do understand the
technical challenges) or that phpPgAdmin was as exhaustive as phpMyAdmin,
more users might be FIRST inclined to start with Postgres.

Again, I apologize to anyone

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Robert Perry
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 5:06 PM
To: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] FYI: Interview with Josh Berkus at Mad Penguin

        I am not certain that this is the correct forum for Kudos, but after
taking a long break from using PostgreSQL I am also delighted with how
good it is doing.  I always hated the fact the it was missing table
spaced and I am also excited about Point In Time backups.

        Maybe it is just because I learned PostgreSQLfirst, but I have always
felt much more comfortable with it as opposed to mysql.  But, then I
also do not like to use GUI tools much.
On Mar 15, 2005, at 4:12 PM, Wes Williams wrote:

> http://madpenguin.org/cms/html/62/3677.html
> I for one think that Postgres 8.0 is great and that the largest hurdle
> for the project is the lack of [easy] developer tools that MySQL has.
> This in turn, seems to make learning Postgres and SQL more difficult
> for less experienced users that turn to MySQL for a quick solution.
> Keep up the excellent work all!
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