Using PostSQL 7.4 on a linux server, we have one postgres instance with two 
databases, "gex_runtime" and "mq_geoloc." We had a mishap in which we ran out 
of disk space. The failure occured in writing to the gex_runtime database.

Then an unfortunate slip of an admin's keyboard led to the deletion of the 
gex_runtime data itself under the $PGDATA directory. As far as I can tell the 
mq_geoloc database files (about 3 gigs worth) were undamaged.

We moved the mq_geoloc files to a safe location, and now have taken a copy of 
the runtime database from another server and recreated our server as far as the 
runtime database goes.

My question is whether there is anyway of retrieving the old geoloc database ? 
Or is my reading of these files total out-of-line with reality ?

If not it's not a crisis -- just a matter of time rebuilding table and 
reindexing it, but if there's a faster way I'd be willing to try it.

Thanks for your time,

Greg Williamson
GlobeXplorer LLC

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