* [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Richard Susanto") wrote:
| Folks,
| would you like help me how to query this case.
| I have tbl_a, the fields are :
| item_record
| item_product_name
| item_qty
| if the data are :
| item_record = 1,2,3,4,5,6
| item_product_name = a,b,a,c,d,c,...
| item_qty = 10,5,15,10,20,5,...
| How the query to sum item_qty_total if i want the result :
| item_product_name = a,b,c,d
| item_qty_total = 25,5,15,20

SELECT item_product_name, sum(item_qty) FROM tbl_a GROUP BY item_product_name;

Lars Haugseth

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