> If you have command string monitoring turned on, via
> stats_command_string in the postgresql.conf file, then you could get
> this information from the system view pg_stat_activity.
> Generally, you could look to see if a current_query is a vacuum, perhaps
> via...
> select * from pg_stat_activity where lower(current_query) like 'vacuum%' ;

Are there any drawbacks to turning this on (mine is not)?  If not,
I can certainly do that.

> If that parameter is not turned on, then ps auxww | egrep [something
> finding your PG processes] | grep VACUUM could perhaps do the trick,
> albeit not from a straightforward database query...

Yes, I could do that, but I'd rather avoid it if I can.  :)

Thanks much!


"'And you've got 10 gig of files to put through our mail system?' I
ask, squeezing my mouse in a non-approved manner." -- BOFH, 2006-01

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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