To me it would suggest that pgSQL is not looking at the pg_hba.conf you
think it is - as it shouldn't prompt for a password when trust
authentication is set (it doesn't on my box when connecting via a socket.)

Also you mention that your listen_address looks like "#listen_addresses" -
in which case it's commented out, and so PG would *NOT* listen on TCP/IP, so
you shouldn't be able to connect using -h localhost - you should get
"connection refused".

I think you've got a case of duplicate config files on your system and PG is
looking at different files to the ones you're editing.

Might be worth running "find / -name pg_hba.conf" and "find / -name
postgresql.conf" to see where all the instances of your config files lie.

Something's not quite right...


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ow
Sent: Monday, 06 March, 2006 1:59 PM
Subject: Re: [ADMIN] pg_hba.conf + all + trust = Ident authentication failed
for user "postgres"

In postgresql.conf I have "#listen_addresses = 'localhost'" and I am logged
directly into the box, without telnet, ssh or whatever.

But "psql -U postgres -h localhost" DID WORK (after I entered the password)
that's a big step forward, thanks.

I'm still not sure why I needed to enter the password, though... my idea of
"trust" is somewhat different...

--- Andy Shellam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> No you're right, there shouldn't be anything in pg_ident.conf.
> Check in your postgresql.conf file, and set "listen_interfaces" to *, so
> listens on TCP/IP (if not already.)
> Then try connecting with "psql -U postgres -h localhost" and see if that
> lets you on.  Also check your postgresql.conf file is not forcing pgSQL to
> look elsewhere for your config files.
> Andy

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