I'm trying to set up two postmasters on a two-node redhat cluster.

Instance #1:
  pg_data: /var/lib/pgsql/data  
  user: postgres
Instance #2:
  pg_data: /var/lib/pgsql2/data2  
  user: postgres2

Since databases are managed by cluster manager I need two different initscripts. Unfortunately the script provided in the rpm uses the 'status' function which does not make difference between two groups of processes:
$ /etc/init.d/postgresql  status
postmaster (pid 5320 5319 5318 5316 5314) is running...
$ /etc/init.d/postgresql2  status
postmaster (pid 5320 5319 5318 5316 5314) is running...

In this scenario the cluster manager cannot determine wether a single instance is running or down.
I'm going to modify initscripts and use a differente approach to probe postmasters status, but I'm not sure if this is good:

ps ax | grep postmaster | grep /var/lib/pgsql2/data2
ps ax | grep postmaster | grep /var/lib/pgsql/data

What would you suggest?

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