I agree.  When restoring a database from back up, I do a drop database and recreate it to make sure everything is properly intact (tables, columns, views, triggers, foreign keys, etc...).  We do this a lot for testing.  We backup the production database, copy to test server and do a restore on the test database.  It helps us test our code rollouts.


On 6/18/06, Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Infor Gates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am having the impression that pg_restore would over-rides the "old"
> data with the current one. Is my thinking wrong?

Yeah.  By default, pg_restore will issue a CREATE TABLE (which of course
fails if the table already exists) followed by COPY (which just tries to
insert data in addition to what might be there already).

There's a command line option to ask pg_restore to try to DROP TABLE
before doing the CREATE TABLE.  By and large, though, that's a bad way
to proceed unless you are specifically trying to merge two databases.
The fast and easy way to proceed is to DROP DATABASE, CREATE a fresh
empty database, and pg_restore into that.

                        regards, tom lane

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