We have a bytea column where we store large attachments (ie pdf file).
every so often (2 weekly) we replace the large a attachment (5-15mb) with a 
much smaller binary file (15k).  

when I run 
SELECT sum( relpages*8/1024 ) as MB FROM pg_class where relname != '' 
I get a value of 104995 which I interpret to mean I have 104GB of stored data 
in the database and this value has remained relatively static (+/- 1GB) over 
the past couple of weeks. 
We I to a df -h on the filesystem holding the database cluster I get a usage 
of 140GB.  Again I interpret this to mean I have nearly 35GB of "uncleaned" 

Is this a case where I should be running the vacuum manually or is auto vacuum 
all that should be necessary to keep track and mark the updated tuple space 
ready for re-use.


Warren Little
Chief Technology Officer
Meridias Capital, Inc
1006 Atherton Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84123
ph. 866.369.7763

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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