On 7/4/06, Jonah H. Harris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/4/06, Rodrigo De Leon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if there's a mechanism (or if not, a workaround) to
> obfuscate server code (PL/PgSQL), a la Oracle's PL/SQL Wrap Utility:

No, there is no such utility for PostgreSQL.  And, even if there were,
it wouldn't actually stop someone from reverse engineering it quite
easily as the source code to PL/pgSQL itself is readily available.

I don't see how PostgreSQL being open source will stop obfuscation of the PL/pgSQL from being possible.  Sure you can look at the code for a stored procedure but the point of obfuscation is to make it hard to understand, not impossible to see.  A very long stored procedure could be quite difficult to read if it were obfuscated well - that would not stop someone from being able to understand what you did, just make it so hard that it would be unlikely that it is worth the effort.


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