
I have an index on upper(general.cat_url(category_id)) on a table.
when i add a column *with* default value , a query that previously
used to give result does not give results anymore. REINDEX'ing the
table produces correct result. if no default value is giving while adding
the column the query continues to give proper result.


tradein_clients=> SELECT  category_id from
general.web_category_masterwhere  upper(
general.cat_url(category_id)::text) = 'AGRICULTURE';
| category_id |
|           1 |
(1 row)

tradein_clients=> explain SELECT  category_id from
general.web_category_master where  upper(general.cat_url(category_id)::text)
|                                                 QUERY
PLAN                                                  |
| Index Scan using web_category_master_upper_cat_url on web_category_master
(cost=0.00..8.02 rows=1 width=4) |
|   Index Cond: (upper((general.cat_url(category_id))::text) =
'AGRICULTURE'::text)                           |
(2 rows)

tradein_clients=> ALTER TABLE general.web_category_master add test_id int
default 0;
tradein_clients=> SELECT  category_id from
general.web_category_masterwhere  upper(
general.cat_url(category_id)::text) = 'AGRICULTURE';
| category_id |
(0 rows)

tradein_clients=> REINDEX TABLE  general.web_category_master;
tradein_clients=> SELECT  category_id from
general.web_category_masterwhere  upper(
general.cat_url(category_id)::text) = 'AGRICULTURE';
| category_id |
|           1 |
(1 row)

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