Hi Jeanna,

Does pgAdmin give you back any error, like permission denied, or anything like that? Can you see all the properties of the table, such as indexes, tables etc before you open it? As it's happening on various PCs and versions of pgAdmin, I'd hazard a guess that it's server-side, but I'm not sure.

Also have you tried any other client tools? EMS do a good PGSQL Manager for free (the "Lite" version) - and you could use that to determine if the problem is with the server or the client application, a different tool may also highlight an error that pgAdmin does not. EMS is at www.sqlmanager.net.

Might be worth asking on pgadmin-support@postgresql.org as the developers of pgAdmin can have a look-see too and might be able to suggest other ideas.



Jeanna Geier wrote:
Hi List!  I'm really in need of some guidance here..

We're running PostgreSQL 8.0 and I have PGAdmin v.1.4.3 on my local pc and
version 1.2.2 on my server & the other developer's pc - when I open PGAdmin
to connect to the database(s), I can do so without any problems, however,
when we go to view the data in the database(s), we cannot see anything, the
window opens with the menu bars, but there are no column names, and no data.
And if I try a 'Refresh', it appears to do something, but still nothing is

If I use a command prompt and connect to the db's, I can select from the
tables and everything returns OK; and using our program, which connects to
the db's using JDBC, it's connecting and returning data OK...

However, not being able to view the data in the tables and views is an issue
in our development and testing (not to mention sanity).  It's happening on
different databases, on multiple pc's, with different versions of the Admin
tool.  We haven't done any updates to either the database, our version of
Postgres, or the Admin tool....  any thoughts???

Thanks in advance for your time and help!

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