If you're running one of Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003, the Windows Firewall will be blocking the connection. If you have the "Windows Firewall" option in Control Panel, check it's disabled, then try again.

If that cures your problem, add an exception in for port 5432 before you turn the firewall back on.


gpio Oxxce wrote:
Hi Paul, All,

My host   pg_hba.conf:
host     all         all                 md5
host    all         all          trust
host    all         all          trust

and postgresql.conf:
listen_addresses = '*' port = 5432 max_connections = 100 the is also the server IP, and I am tryning to connect from the with pgExlorer and pgAdmin but I get a message : "Cannot connect to Server. Connection timeout . Chech if the server is running and accepting TCP connections on 5432"

I will try to setup the database and see if this happens also the binary distribution without the installer.


*/Paul Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* έγραψε:

    gpio Oxxce wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > After downloading and installing the latest Postgresql server
    > (postgresql-8.2.3-1..zip
    > )
    > I can not make it accept local IP connections!
    > I edit the |pg_hba.conf |file with
    > host all all trust
    > but still I can't connect from to the DB.
    > Also during the installation I checked the option "Accept TCP
    > connections.." (or something like that)
    > Am I missing something or it is a possible bug ?
    > Thanks
    > George

    In putting in the above line did you replace the host line with
    ""? If so, that's probably your problem - it needs the
    line. Is postmaster listening on the default port (5432) or did you
    change that during install? (Can check that in the postgresql.conf
    in the same place as pg_hba.conf)

    How are you trying to connect? (pgAdminIII, some other program
    using the
    ODBC driver?) What error are you getting?

    NB: I get access denied if I put my servers IP address into the
    pg_hba.conf file and comment out the existing 127 address line. Local
    connections would not go out through the network and would thus
    not be
    seen by PG as coming from your 192/168 address.


-- Paul Lambert
    Database Administrator

    ---------------------------(end of
    TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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