Le 07-04-25 à 14:49, Pascal Robert a écrit :

BTW, the statements look like this :

0/15FFE470: prv 0/15FFE440; xid 2332; HEAP info 10 len 18 tot_len 46
        DELETE FROM 16612 WHERE ...delete: ts 1663 db 16384 rel 16612 block
1413 off 5

(this is for a DELETE FROM table without any WHERE clause).  I see
the XID, but can you also display date and time in the ouput ?

Original date/time is available only on COMMIT/ABORT records, so you'll
need to search ahead/behind.

Ok, so I guess that auto commited statements will never have date/ time ?

Ok, I didn't see the commit line after the INSERT.

How can I use the -r option ? From my understanding, I can use it to find specific DML, but I tried :

        -r "INSERT"
        -r INSERT
        -r insert

without any success, even if I know that I have INSERT in the log.
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