>>Does any one know how I would get a list of users currently
 connected to a
>>postgres database?

You can view all the database activity by:

select * from pg_stat_activity;

I am not sure about users, but i guess this should serve the purpose:

select COUNT(DISTINCT(client_addr)) from pg_stat_activity;


----- Original Message ----
From: Sherrylyn(Work) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: pgsql-admin@postgresql.org
Sent: Thursday, 18 October, 2007 10:42:06 PM
Subject: [ADMIN] 

Hi ,
    Does any one know how I would get a list of users currently
 connected to a
postgres database? In Oracle, I could select from the vg$sessions
 table. Is
there a corollary table in Postgres?

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