> The docs state that if there are no %-escapes in log_filename, then it will
> add the epoch onto the end of the log filename. Is there any way to turn off
> this behavior and just use the filename specified in log_filename? I'd like
> have all the log data written to a file like postgresql.log and let
> logrotate do the rotation.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're trying to redirect stderr.
Why not just use syslog? That's what I use and it works very nicely.

Here are the relevant bits from postgresql.conf (that aren't related
to log formatting and changed from the default).
log_destination = 'syslog'
syslog_facility = 'LOCAL1'

Just make sure you pipe the syslog facility to postgresql.log, and
then you can use logrotate.


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