A.Burbello a écrit :
Hi people,

I have a case and I got a doubt what should be the
best ways.

One table has more than 150 million of rows, and I
thought that could divided by state.
For each row has person ID, state and other
informations, but the search would be done only by
person ID (number column).

I can improve the query by putting index in that
column, but is there any other ways?

Thank you.

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I also studies how to improve performances on big tables.
Like you , I don't know how to improve without index. It's the only way I found . I find postgresql is fast on small table but I got real performance problem when increases the number of rows Do anyone know if there is specific postgresql tuning parameters in .conf file for big tables ?

max_fsm_pages ?
max_fsm_relations ?



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