On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 11:22 PM, c k <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I have a function having:begin
> insert into something ...
> select max(primary key) from something..
> end;
> does the second statement within a function can view the results after
> execution of first statement to get max(P.K.)?
> On Mon, Sep 15, 2008 at 10:38 PM, Richard Huxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> c k wrote:
>> > Dear PG members,I want to know that does begin and end in plpgsql are
>> > related to begin transactions and commit? if yes/no how?
>> No. All functions operate within a transaction.
>> > If I start to
>> > execute a function of multiple statements does PG commits each
>> transaction
>> > within a function, or whole function as a transaction.
>> You can have many statements (function calls) within a single
>> transaction. If you don't explicitly issue BEGIN ... COMMIT then each
>> statement is wrapped in its own transaction. Note that some client
>> libraries have "autocommit" options that do things their own way.
>> > Also if first statement makes inserts/updates a row, does it
>> automatically
>> > available to that particular function execution only or to any other
>> > instances of same function?
>> > Please give the details.
>> If you insert/update/delete one or more rows, they are visible outside
>> the function - it's all the same tables.
>> > In my system, function are extensively used and cab called by different
>> > clients as ODBC, JDBC and others.
>> There is no difference between a user-written function and a built-in
>> function in PostgreSQL as regards calling them or their effects. Some
>> clients might offer better support than others, but they should all let
>> you build "raw" sql.
>> --
>>  Richard Huxton
>>  Archonet Ltd

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