John Lister wrote:
>> John Lister wrote:
>>> bizarre... Its been turned off for a while, but from memory the
>>> autovacuum process was causing the table it was running on to be locked
>>> - I assumed this was an equivalent to VACUUM FULL - causing all other
>>> connections to wait until it had finished. Could this happen another way,
>>> i thought the other vacuum options acted passively... I'll turn it back
>>> on and see what happens...
>> Maybe you're doing ALTER TABLE or something else that is blocked behind
>> vacuum?  Vacuum doesn't block INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE, but it can block
>> other operations that want exclusive locks on the table.
>> What Postgres version is this anyway?
> Now running 8.3, but this was on 8.2.

That doesn't help isolating the problem; 8.3 autovacuum behavior is very
different from 8.2.  Please enable it, see how it goes, and report back
if anything seems amiss.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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