Στις Tuesday 17 February 2009 15:53:33 ο/η Michael Monnerie έγραψε:
> "Michael Monnerie" <michael.monne...@is.it-management.at> schrieb:
> > pg_dump: Fehlermeldung vom Server: ERROR:  missing chunk number 0 for 
> > toast value 1460201 in pg_toast_1281127
> > pg_dump: Die Anweisung war: COPY public.dbmail_messageblks 
> > (messageblk_idnr, physmessage_id, messageblk, blocksize, is_header) TO 
> > stdout;
> The file is there:
> # ls -l base/16386/1281127
> -rw------- 1 postgres postgres 417447936 17. Feb 12:14 base/16386/1281127

did you reindex pg_toast_1281127?
take a look at 

> What can I do about the missing chunk? I need the data in there...
> mfg zmi

Achilleas Mantzios

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