Isabella Ghiurea <> wrote:
> I don't think optional is  the right word,.
The issue is that the server has no clue what the application is
beyond what the client sends over the wire, so the server must trust
the client to tell it something useful.  There is a lot of code out
there which doesn't set this (so far nonexistent) connection property,
and I'm sure that breaking all of that code is not an option.  Hence,
if we add it, it will be optional.
> This information should be collected  in one of the  internal table,
> next to  client's host ip and user  name .
This would probably show up in pg_stat_activity somewhere.
>  BTW: I don't know to much about PG 's " feature wish list " ,  if 
> we get more feedback  from some of the  Gurus  we can  add this one
> to the list.
There is a TODO list.
I'll suggest this be added.

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