"Lee, Mija" <m...@scharp.org> writes:
> Again, 5 extra processes. 6939 is one example. I'm not sure what you are 
> looking for from this command that is different from ps -ef? 
> Update_process_title is turned on.

5 extra processes would be exactly what I'd expect in an 8.3
installation.  I don't remember the magic incantation to get Solaris'
ps to show you useful descriptions, but on most platforms what you'd
see is something like this:

postgres  8522     1  0 13:37:37 pts/2     0:00 postmaster
postgres  8525  8522  0 13:37:37 ?         0:00 postgres: writer process   
postgres  8526  8522  0 13:37:37 ?         0:00 postgres: wal writer process   
postgres  8527  8522  0 13:37:37 ?         0:00 postgres: autovacuum launcher 
postgres  8528  8522  0 13:37:37 ?         0:00 postgres: stats collector 

> Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated. I may have to kill these 
> processes because they are eating up memory on this machine, but I would 
> really prefer to know why/what they are before doing so.

You can't kill them without taking down the database.  I will bet large
odds that they aren't "eating memory", either --- you have probably got
Postgres' shared memory area set to about 1GB, and you are looking at
the output of tools that report all of that as belonging to each process
that's connected to the shared memory segment.

                        regards, tom lane

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