Thank you!

It was indeed 100, and that allowed me to track down that an upgrade had swapped in another .conf file in an alternative directory.

I did

  show all

which showed the path, actually thanks to this mailing list!

Thank you everyone who responded, especially you, Guillaume.


Guillaume Lelarge wrote:
Le mercredi 9 décembre 2009 à 12:14:25, Bradley Kieser a écrit :
Hi all,

I have been struggling with my Posgres installation. I frequently get

         connection limit exceeded for non-superusers

errors. I have checked the process count and it seems to be a limit of 100

However, I have already set

  max_connections = 250

in my postgresql.conf and restarted the server.

I have checked pg_authid  and the rolconnlimit value is set to -1 for all
 users, so should have no limits.

So this seems to be some sort of limit overriding my max_connections

I am running on RH EL5 and have PG 8.3.8

Can someone please point me in the right direction here?

a) Is there some way of getting the LIVE max_connections setting from the
 server? I.e. So that I can check if the running server has max_connections
 set to 100 when I am expecting it to be 250?

SHOW max_connections;


SELECT setting FROM pg_settings WHERE name='max_connections';

 b) Are there any other places
 that  max_connections can be set other than the conf file? I.e. where else
 should I look for this to be set?

No. But be sure that you don't set it twice or more in the config file. Be sure you look at the good one (SHOW config_file; will tell you which one it is). Be sure you don't include other config file with the include clause.

 c) Are there any situations where PG
 will ignore my max_connections setting and will just override it with the
 default 100?


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