Hi Tom, thanks for your detailed responses. I really appreciate it.
My comments below inline ...

> > I'm having a strange problem with postgres & autovacuum
> > Everything is working fine until I start getting the following errors ...
> > and postgres stops working shortly after (it stops accepting connections)
> > 2010-11-13 12:34:08.599 CET|1|||7104||4cde77b0.1bc0|2010-11-13 12:34:08
> > CET|1/44303|0|| LOG:  automatic vacuum of table
> > "mrs.pg_catalog.pg_statistic": index scans: 1
> >         pages: 0 removed, 189 remain
> >         tuples: 132 removed, 4587 remain
> >         system usage: CPU 0.00s/0.00u sec elapsed 0.04 sec
> > 2010-11-13 13:24:40.998 CET|2|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
> > CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled
> > 2010-11-13 13:25:41.126 CET|3|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
> > CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled
> > 2010-11-13 13:26:41.254 CET|4|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
> > CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled
> Hm.  The code comment above that warning says
>             * The only problems that may cause this code to
>             * fire are errors in the earlier sections of AutoVacWorkerMain,
>             * before the worker removes the WorkerInfo from the
>             * startingWorker pointer.
> but it's hard to see what problem there could lead to an issue.  (In
> particular, I discount the idea that AutovacuumLock could be stuck,
> because we had to acquire it in order to issue this message.)
> But it strikes me that the code comment is wrong in one significant way:
> if the postmaster were failing to heed SIGUSR1 at all, you could reach
> the timeout here, because the fork-failed signal wouldn't get sent.
> Given that you say it also stops accepting connections, I'm thinking
> this is a postmaster problem not an autovacuum problem.  But you've
> not provided any information about that end of it.  Exactly what happens
> when you try to make a connection?  Are there any entries at all in the
> postmaster log?  What about the kernel log?  Are you sure that new
> connections stop working *after* this happens, and not at exactly the
> same time?

When I try to make a connection from the command line I get nothing. I mean,
if I execute ...

*# psql -U postgres -l*

I have to Ctr-C or Ctr-Z (followed by kill %1) because I can wait forever.
It's like no more connections were accepted. Obviously our applications stop
working immediately.
Trying to stop postgres with

*# /etc/init.d/postgres stop*
*Stopping postgresql service:  *

I have to strop it with Ctr-C as it does not wotk (I waited up to 3 min.
with no luck). As a consequence I had to kill the postmaster process

Kernel log says nothing :(

Not sure what started failing first: the connections or the autovacuum. I
just went to the log and saw that sequence of events. Searching in google I
found a few references saying autovacuum and that error log "WARNING:
 worker took too long to start; cancelled" were releated.

> > OS: Centos 5.5
> > Kernel: 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5
> > Postgres version: 8.4.5 (installation out-of-the-box using yum)
> Given that this is a Linux system, I think that an OOM kill on the
> postmaster is a not-insignificant possibility.  Or at least I would
> think that if there weren't a PostmasterIsAlive check in the autovac
> launcher loop.  It's real hard to see how you could get more than
> one of these messages if the postmaster were gone entirely.

I just noticed the error log repeats once every minute but the content is
the same ...
First time the log appeared

*2010-11-13 13:24:40.998 CET|2|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
2010-11-13 13:25:41.126 CET|3|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled

It repeats once every minute until we fix it

2010-11-14 09:44:01.889 CET|1208|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled
*2010-11-14 09:45:03.105 CET|1209|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*

All 1,000+ lines are alike except for the date (every new line adds 1 more
However the log is the same

2010-11-14 09:45:03.105 CET|1209|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
CET||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled

According to our postgresql.conf log format ...

*log_line_prefix = '%m|%l|%d|%r|%p|%i|%c|%s|%v|%x|%u| '            *
*                                        #   %u = user name*
*                                        #   %d = database name*
*                                        #   %r = remote host and port*
*                                        #   %h = remote host*
*                                        #   %p = process ID*
*                                        #   %t = timestamp without
*                                        #   %m = timestamp with
*                                        #   %i = command tag*
*                                        #   %c = session ID*
*                                        #   %l = session line number*
*                                        #   %s = session start timestamp*
*                                        #   %v = virtual transaction ID*
*                                        #   %x = transaction ID (0 if none)
*                                        #   %q = stop here in non-session*
*                                        #        processes*

Splitting the log ...

(%m = timestamp with milliseconds) = 2010-11-14 09:45:03.105 CET
(%l = session line number) = 209
(%d = database name) =
(%r = remote host and port) =
(%p = process ID) = 3300
(%i = command tag) =
(%c = session ID) = 4cdc2ae6.ce4
(%s = session start timestamp) = 2010-11-11 18:41:58 CET
(%v = virtual transaction ID) =
(%x = transaction ID (0 if none)) = 0
%u = user name) =
Message = WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled

I see the following fields are the same in the 1,200+ lines of the log

(%d = database name) =
(%r = remote host and port) =
(%c = session ID)
(%s = session start timestamp)
(%v = virtual transaction ID)
(%x = transaction ID (0 if none))
%u = user name)

Does this info help?
What does "empty database" mean? could be the autovacuum process?
I noticed the "%s" (*
2010-11-11 18:41:58 CET)
*matches the time we started postgres. Here you have the log

*2010-11-11 18:41:58.840 CET|1|||3268||4cdc2ae6.cc4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
CET||0|| LOG:  database system was shut down at 2010-11-11 18:38:55 CET*
*2010-11-11 18:41:58.902 CET|1|||3300||4cdc2ae6.ce4|2010-11-11 18:41:58
CET||0|| LOG:  autovacuum launcher started*
*2010-11-11 18:41:58.902 CET|1|||3234||4cdc2ae4.ca2|2010-11-11 18:41:56
CET||0|| LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections*

> Could you try strace'ing the postmaster process to see what it's doing
> when this is happening?

I definitely will.

More information in case that helps. Strangely, we had the same problem in a
temporary database we used last week while migrating some data. This time
there was not autovacuum entry in the log ...

*2010-11-10 20:26:06.441
CET|1|cache||11239|SELECT|4cdaf1cc.2be7|2010-11-10 20:26:04
CET|114/0|0|postgres| LOG:  duration: 1770.500 ms  statement: select
id_type,id,id_language_fk,data from cache where id_type=5  and id =
'60820269' and id_language_fk = 2*
*2010-11-10 20:26:07.100
CET|1|xxx||9423|SELECT|4cdaef43.24cf|2010-11-10 20:15:15
CET|80/0|0|postgres| LOG:  duration: 1178.423 ms  statement: SELECT
"reviews".id FROM "reviews" WHERE ("reviews"."booking_id" = E'10101690551')
*2010-11-10 20:27:26.905 CET|3|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:28:27.422 CET|4|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:28:41.641
CET|1|mrs||11272|SELECT|4cdaf1d0.2c08|2010-11-10 20:26:08
CET|6/701|0|postgres| LOG:  duration: 1878.724 ms  execute <unnamed>: select
tp.*,t.id_token,uo.* from tokenprovider as tp inner join token as t on
(tp.id_tokenprovider = t.id_tokenprovider_fk) inner join tkuo as tu on
(t.id_token = tu.id_token_fk) inner join useoccupation as uo on
(uo.id_useoccupation = tu.id_useoccupation_fk and uo.id_tokenprovider_fk =
tp.id_tokenprovider) where tp.id_tokenprovider in
order by tp.id_tokenprovider,t.id_token,uo.sort*
*2010-11-10 20:29:28.349 CET|5|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:30:01.940
CET|1|xmas||9422|idle|4cdaef43.24ce|2010-11-10 20:15:15
CET|70/0|0|postgres| LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection*
*2010-11-10 20:30:01.942
CET|1|xxxx||5793|idle|4cdaebb6.16a1|2010-11-10 20:00:06
CET|60/0|0|postgres| LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection*
*2010-11-10 20:30:01.948
CET|1|mrs||9424|idle|4cdaef43.24d0|2010-11-10 20:15:15
CET|89/0|0|postgres| LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection*
*2010-11-10 20:30:01.950
CET|3|xxxx||9840|idle|4cdaefc8.2670|2010-11-10 20:17:28
CET|72/0|0|postgres| LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection*
*2010-11-10 20:30:01.951
CET|1|xxxx||10509|idle|4cdaf0ba.290d|2010-11-10 20:21:30
CET|83/0|0|postgres| LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection*
*2010-11-10 20:30:01.961
CET|1|xxxx||10986|idle|4cdaf19f.2aea|2010-11-10 20:25:19
CET|57/0|0|postgres| LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection*
*2010-11-10 20:30:01.969
CET|1|xxxx||11282|idle|4cdaf1d9.2c12|2010-11-10 20:26:17
CET|65/0|0|postgres| LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection*
*2010-11-10 20:30:28.875 CET|6|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:31:29.210 CET|7|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:32:29.642 CET|8|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:33:30.271 CET|9|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:34:30.604 CET|10|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*
*2010-11-10 20:35:31.106 CET|11|||22218||4cca5977.56ca|2010-10-29 07:19:51
CEST||0|| WARNING:  worker took too long to start; cancelled*

Well, thanks for any information. I can provide more logs/information if


>                        regards, tom lane

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