Alanoly Andrews <> writes:

> Hello,
> PG version 8.4.7 on AIX 6.1.
> While creating a large multi-column index on a table of about 2.5 million 
> rows, I got the following error:
>    ERROR:  out of memory
>      DETAIL:  Failed on request of size 50331648.
> I doubled the value of the shared_buffers parameter (from 512Mb to 1024Mb), 
> recycled the PG instance and then was able to
> run the create index statement successfully.
> Question: Does PG use a main memory sort algorithm for the creation of
> indexes? Can it not make do with whatever memory is available and
> supplement it with disk space (external sort)? I have a temporaray

It can and does but for sorting too large to be done in

If your box doesn't have enough virtual mem to support shared_buffers,
work_mem on behalf of all live backends, whatever the OS needs... you'll
get an error like that while Pg is trying to alloc for the
maintenance_work_mem chunk.

Inspect your logs for more cases of that error since autovac can run
into the same problem.


> tablespace defined (with the temp_tablespaces) parameter. The disk
> area for this tablespace had about 2GB of free space available. But
> the sort does not seem to have used it.
> Thanks.
> Alanoly Andrews.
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