Hello Andreas,

thank you very much for the link.

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 08 Dec 2011 13:04:30 +0100
> Von: lst_ho...@kwsoft.de
> Zitat von Jan-Peter Seifert <jan-peter.seif...@gmx.de>:

> > I wonder whether the number of connections is still limited on  
> > Windows 64-bit if you also use a 64-bit version of PostgreSQL:

> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Running_%26_Installing_PostgreSQL_On_Native_Windows#I_cannot_run_with_more_than_about_125_connections_at_once.2C_despite_having_capable_hardware

> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/947246/en-us

So the default setting for Windows 7 64-Bit seems to be:

Makes me wonder whether PostgreSQL ( as a service ) still uses the 
'Non-interactive desktop heap' for connections then.

I used pgbench for testing 500 connections ( max_connections set to 600 ):
pgbench -i -U postgres -h host -p port
pgbench -U postgres -h host -p port -c 500
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_stat_activity;

The non-interactive Desktop Heap has been increased by just a half - yet the 
number of connections can obviously be much higher than 200. I guess the 
connections don't need less memory now though.

Do the services share the same desktop (heap) or does each (PostgreSQL) service 
has its own ( if I register each service for a different Windows user?).

Thank you very much,


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