Hi. I am using Postgres 9.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 64bit. I have a question about
client authentication.
After installing the server, and setting the postgres password to encrypted
'postgres', I made sure I can log in like that. Then, I edited the
/etc/postgres/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf file to contain just this single like:

local   all             all                                     md5

According to these sources:

this means (at least that's how I understand it):
1. local - it allows only connections using unix domain sockets
2. first all - access to all databases
3. second all - for every user
4. md5 - requires providing a password for a login

But now, I am trying to connect as a normal user:

psql -d postgres -U postgres

and it connects without ever asking for a password! (The password works
fine when I force it with -W, so this part is ok.)

If I add a line for TCP/IP connections (with 'host' at the beginning) it
does ask for the password, so it looks like the behavior I am experiencing
has something to do with domain socket, but I am not sure.

The user that I installed Postgres with and tried logging in was the same,
and it was in the admin group, so it had the sudoer privilage. I thought it
had something to do with that, so I created another user, who wasn't a
sudoer - and I had to give the password. But then, when I added the admin
group to the user (which adds it to sudoers on my machine), I still had to
specify the password (and sudo works fine), which would imply that it was a
dead end.

The thing makes me a little nervous, because I apparently can't configure
my server correctly, there is something that I don't understand here ;d I
would like to ask you about what is this strange behavior caused by.


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