Running PostgreSQL 9.2.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc
(Debian 4.4.5-8) 4.4.5, 64-bit


Having some issues with streaming replication. After creating a basebackup
with pg_basebackup, I get the following in the logs when starting the backup
as a steaming hot standby.


2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dLOG:  database system was interrupted while
in recovery at log time 2012-11-29 21:32:38 GMT

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dHINT:  If this has occurred more than once
some data might be corrupted and you might need to choose an earlier
recovery target.

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dLOG:  entering standby mode

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  checkpoint record is at 1C/E28B7978

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  redo record is at 1C/E2000020;
shutdown FALSE

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  next transaction ID: 0/1903870;
next OID: 249837974

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  next MultiXactId: 1; next
MultiXactOffset: 0

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  oldest unfrozen transaction ID:
673, in database 1

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  transaction ID wrap limit is
2147484320, limited by database with OID 1

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  resetting unlogged relations:
cleanup 1 init 0

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  initializing for hot standby

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dLOG:  consistent recovery state reached at

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dLOG:  redo starts at 1C/E2000020

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dDEBUG:  recovery snapshots are now enabled

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21494  dCONTEXT:  xlog redo  running xacts: nextXid
1903870 latestCompletedXid 1903869 oldestRunningXid 1903870

2012-12-03 20:27:08 GMT  21492  dLOG:  database system is ready to accept
read only connections

2012-12-03 20:27:09 GMT  21494  dWARNING:  page 27 of relation
base/103111746/231701662 does not exist

2012-12-03 20:27:09 GMT  21494  dCONTEXT:  xlog redo visible: rel
1663/103111746/231701662; blk 27

2012-12-03 20:27:09 GMT  21494  dPANIC:  WAL contains references to invalid

2012-12-03 20:27:09 GMT  21494  dCONTEXT:  xlog redo visible: rel
1663/103111746/231701662; blk 27

2012-12-03 20:27:09 GMT  21492  dLOG:  startup process (PID 21494) was
terminated by signal 6: Aborted

2012-12-03 20:27:09 GMT  21492  dLOG:  terminating any other active server

2012-12-03 20:27:09 GMT  21493  dDEBUG:  logger shutting down


The Autovacumm launcher is running on the master postgres server, would that
cause issues with pg_basebackup. Any ideas what the problem could be?







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