I've got replication setup (streaming replication) between two 9.2.2 clusters. 
Everything went just fine on that, and it's working as expected. 

Now, obviously, I'll know if my primary goes down. I just monitor him as usual. 

How do I tell whether the standby has gone out of sync for whatever reason? 

Obviously, I can monitor this: 

ps -elf | grep "wal receiver" 

but is there a situation in which the wal receiver is running, but the 
replication is not working, or there are errors? I know about the 
replay/receive xlog locations, but those can be off due to lag, of course. 

What I want to know is whether there's a situation in which my standby is 
running, the receiver process is running, but "something" is wrong. 

Sorry this isn't more definite. I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for. 


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