On 7 May 2013 03:54, Uwe Schroeder <u...@oss4u.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 05/06/2013 05:51:00 PM Scott Marlowe wrote:
> > On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 5:16 PM, Misa Simic <misa.si...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > But, IMO it is something totally irrelevant now-days... With today
> > > tools...
> > > I understand why such thing has been important 20-30 years ago (in
> > > previous
> > > century)
> >
> > You're assuming we all use the same tools. There are still people on
> > this who (probably) read their email with pine.
> I understand that there's purists out there, but seriously, pine? I stopped
> using that when I had the first SPARC2 sitting on my desk and I can't even
> remember when that was (1991?). Never liked pine, always used emacs (and
> still
> do, just not for reading mail :-) )
> Personally I prefer top posts for short responses to a simple issue and in-
> between posts for everything more complex.
And then, when some people will top post, som bottom post and some will
answer inside the original email lines, then there will be a totall mess
and most people will have problems to find out how the discussion flow
looks like.

- Szymon

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