Staplr is a light-weight front end for rrdtool.  It supports a number of
plug-in monitors out of the box including Apache, memcached, pgBouncer and
PostgreSQL.  It is written in cli PHP and has a minor web PHP script to send
the configuration data to the web client.

Since this is the PostgreSQL list, I'll let you know what it graphs for a
standard PostgreSQL install:

Per Database:

   - Backends
   - Locks
   - Size on Disk
   - StatIO
   - Transactions per Second
   - Write Activity

Aggregate Graphs:

There is a flexible aggregate graph system which will let you graph all
databases together or in groups, while attempting to make it easy for
someone who is not a RRDTool guru.

This is the first public release and feedback is welcome.


Gavin M. Roy

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