pgCluu 1.1 released

PostgreSQL Cluster Utilization

pgCluu is a Perl program used to perform a full audit of a PostgreSQL
Cluster performances. It is divided in two parts, a collector used to
grab statistics on the PostgreSQL server using psql and sar, a reports
builder that will generate all HTML and charts output.

A demo site is available at

This new release adds lot of report improvements and bug fixes. There is
several new features or reports :

        - Format mouse tracker on graphs to show all dataset values at a
        - Add run queue length report to system menu.
        - Add checkpoint write and sync times reports.
        - Add report of PostgreSQL version
        - Split background writer buffer and count statistics into
separated reports.
        - Add report of maxwritten_clean into bgwriter reports.
        - Add report of kernel parameters to the system info page.
        - Add collect of system kernel tuning parameters.
        - Remove embedded CSS and javascript on each HTML page,
resources are
          now automatically copied into the output directory if not
already present.
        - Allow pgcluu to parse sar file generated from sa file, use
          like "sar -A -p -f /var/log/sysstat/sa*".
        - Split commit, rollback and backend graph by using a second
yaxis for backend.
        - Add System Information report.
        - Move Cache hit/miss ratio on second yaxis and change dataset
        - Add collect of OS release information.
        - Allow pgcluu_collectd to grab OS information (cpu, memory,
etc.) and
          add --os-info option to only grab that information (for testing).
        - Reformat dashboard information.
        - Add -z | --timezone to set the hour(s) from GMT time to adjust
          on sar report.

and some more changes/fixes, see ChangeLog for a complete list.

There's lot of others reports to be included:
        - Statistics reports concerning tables.
        - Statistics reports about pg_stat_statement.
        - More Sar statistics reports.
        - ...

This will comes in next releases.

The goal of this project is to provide a complete PostgreSQL auditing
tool that don't need any dependency to be run on any server easily,
"a la pgBadger".

If you just have a sar output file, pgCluu can be use to draw graphs
about the system utilization only.

pgCluu is an original collection of tools built during my work at
Dalibo. Those tools are published under the PostgreSQL License to
be shared, any one is welcome to contribute.

For more information take a look at
View a sample report at


pgCluu is created by Gilles Darold (also author of ora2pg and pgbadger).

  * Web/Demo site:
  * Download:
  * Development:
  * Documentation:

Gilles Darold -

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